Forums - Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! ( Posted by CaliFlower on 07:24:2001 06:22 PM: Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! Pushblock his fat's as easy as that. Ppl don't pushblock anymore these days. Don't flame, just try it, and u'll see. Use Storm, pushblock, runaway, dodge BH AAA, and typhoon his fat ass. It's easy getting him off you, but it's hard to avoid BH cheap ass assist. Of course, you can always use Cable, take the hit, and kill them both at once. Posted by Monkey on 07:24:2001 06:26 PM: Re: Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! quote: Originally posted by CaliFlower Pushblock his fat's as easy as that. Ppl don't pushblock anymore these days. Are you fuckin kidding me? Peeps push block all the time. Plus, good Sentinel players dont get hit by Psylocke 24/7. -m0nkey Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:24:2001 06:56 PM: Re: Re: Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! quote: Originally posted by Monkey Are you fuckin kidding me? Peeps push block all the time. Plus, good Sentinel players dont get hit by Psylocke 24/7. -m0nkey Who the hell is talking about Psylocke? Posted by CaliFlower on 07:24:2001 07:38 PM: Re: Re: Re: Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! quote: Originally posted by Aoishi2AL Who the hell is talking about Psylocke? Monkey, I don't mean to be REALLY rude, but what the fuck r u talking about? I didn't say anything about Psy, and I don't get if ur being sarcastic or not. I think you're being too witty for us "regular" folks (meaning folks who actually know how to communicate in an easily understandable fashion)... Posted by captainsaveahoe on 07:24:2001 08:07 PM: Re: Re: Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! quote: Originally posted by Monkey Are you fuckin kidding me? Peeps push block all the time. Plus, good Sentinel players dont get hit by Psylocke 24/7. -m0nkey no avatar monkey? where did psylocke come from? Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:24:2001 08:11 PM: where did psylocke come from... I've seen good sent players hit by Psy aaa before.. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:24:2001 08:13 PM: This stuff works on paper, but in actual gameplay, it isn't that easy to get a Sentinel off of you. Posted by hyt on 07:24:2001 08:27 PM: Don't listen to Califlower... he's been spamming all over the place and invites flame wars on to himself. He wouldn't even know an AAA from an Expansion assist even if it was written in his own scrub language. Posted by Goku on 07:24:2001 08:35 PM: Monkey: Psylocke? wtf??? Well anyways, like nas said, it's not as easy as u say. If u push block sent can just cancel outta flying, bust a laser (high punch), go back into flying, and continue stompin your cheesy cable usin ass.. Posted by ShinobiScrub on 07:24:2001 08:48 PM: Heh heh, Psylocke... A way to get Sent off your ass when you're using Strider is pushblock, call assist (optional), and teleport your ninja ass out of there. If you're lucky, you can nail him while going down and possibly start up the Strider/Doom trap. Just an idea... I dunno if it works, so don't flame my ass for posting a piece of my mind. ^.^ Posted by CaliFlower on 07:24:2001 09:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShinobiScrub Heh heh, Psylocke... A way to get Sent off your ass when you're using Strider is pushblock, call assist (optional), and teleport your ninja ass out of there. If you're lucky, you can nail him while going down and possibly start up the Strider/Doom trap. Just an idea... I dunno if it works, so don't flame my ass for posting a piece of my mind. ^.^ That's not a bad idea at's just that Sent can bring in CapCom AAA to wipe Doom out of the equation, and then Strider doesn't have much of a chance of starting the trap... Still, I think pushblocking is very effective against Sent. Finally, I use CapAm-G/Doom-B/Cable-A and I was wondering if I am playing as CapAm and Sent is jumping at me, can I double jump back, pop out MY fierce frying pan and outprioritize him from that height? Posted by CaliFlower on 07:24:2001 09:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Goku Monkey: Psylocke? wtf??? Well anyways, like nas said, it's not as easy as u say. If u push block sent can just cancel outta flying, bust a laser (high punch), go back into flying, and continue stompin your cheesy cable usin ass.. Yes, but that's my WHOLE point. You get him off you're ass, then take to the skies. Sent IMO is weak when his opponents are not grounded. Sure, he has quick flying, and frying pan, but characters like Doom and Storm can rape him in the skies. Plus, once his SUPER fat ass gets stuck in a trap on the ground, his ONLY hope is a good AAA...and this is another point of mine. I'd rather try avoiding a good AAA then getting raped by the big robot in the corner, while intaking MAJOR chip. Posted by Goku on 07:24:2001 09:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by CaliFlower Yes, but that's my WHOLE point. You get him off you're ass, then take to the skies. Sent IMO is weak when his opponents are not grounded. Sure, he has quick flying, and frying pan, but characters like Doom and Storm can rape him in the skies. Plus, once his SUPER fat ass gets stuck in a trap on the ground, his ONLY hope is a good AAA...and this is another point of mine. I'd rather try avoiding a good AAA then getting raped by the big robot in the corner, while intaking MAJOR chip. U can only run for so long, then BAM! HSF I mean I see where your coming from n all, but sent has DOPE air combos (esp. in corner), like all u have to really do is combo a rocket punch "lk lk rocketpunch while flying" and the opponent will be too scared for airgame! muahahahahaha Also sent can get out of most traps (like any other char. can) by simply getting hit on purpose by swords, pink shit, or bh's aaa. He can also fly right after it and stomp the shits outta ya. And to get rid of major chip, alpha cancel. Posted by CaliFlower on 07:24:2001 09:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Goku U can only run for so long, then BAM! HSF I mean I see where your coming from n all, but sent has DOPE air combos (esp. in corner), like all u have to really do is combo a rocket punch "lk lk rocketpunch while flying" and the opponent will be too scared for airgame! muahahahahaha Also sent can get out of most traps (like any other char. can) by simply getting hit on purpose by swords, pink shit, or bh's aaa. He can also fly right after it and stomp the shits outta ya. And to get rid of major chip, alpha cancel. Yeah, but taking the hit and flycancelling won't help him much against the Doom/BH trap, cause he gets knocked backwards, and even when he tries to advance, Doom is right on TOP of his ass, shooting out the pink shit. Also, you could even bait him into attacking BH, then drop a Photon Array on his BIG ass, which will absorb almost all the stuff. Sent is VERY weak when ur above him...which is why he is SO dependent on good AAA's such as CapCom's or Psy's. And about the alpha cancel, that's not really a good idea against Sent unless u have Cable-B with more than 1 level of super...and even then, there is a chance you could be hit out of ur Schmitar...especially if Sent calls CapCom AAA at the same time, cause even if Cable does hit Sent afterall, CapCom's AAA will come up from underneath him and knock him out of his super. IMO, the ONLY good place to fight Sent is by staying in the air, or heading to the air, the falling down on his ass xx combo, then run again...(hit and run )...and because he is such a big body, the hit and run from the skies is good cause u COULD cross him up...AND finally, because he is SUCH A FAT ASS, once u hit him, many characters have infinites on him which will kill him. Now, most Sent based teams are teams that suffer greatly once he is gone...for example, what can Cable/Spiral do against runaway Storm...or what can BH/CapCom do against Cable/CapCom...that is what I choose balanced teams that may not be GODLY together, but every pair on my teams can survive well together...most of the time... later... Posted by Goku on 07:24:2001 10:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by CaliFlower Yeah, but taking the hit and flycancelling won't help him much against the Doom/BH trap, cause he gets knocked backwards, and even when he tries to advance, Doom is right on TOP of his ass, shooting out the pink shit. Also, you could even bait him into attacking BH, then drop a Photon Array on his BIG ass, which will absorb almost all the stuff. Sent is VERY weak when ur above him...which is why he is SO dependent on good AAA's such as CapCom's or Psy's. And about the alpha cancel, that's not really a good idea against Sent unless u have Cable-B with more than 1 level of super...and even then, there is a chance you could be hit out of ur Schmitar...especially if Sent calls CapCom AAA at the same time, cause even if Cable does hit Sent afterall, CapCom's AAA will come up from underneath him and knock him out of his super. IMO, the ONLY good place to fight Sent is by staying in the air, or heading to the air, the falling down on his ass xx combo, then run again...(hit and run )...and because he is such a big body, the hit and run from the skies is good cause u COULD cross him up...AND finally, because he is SUCH A FAT ASS, once u hit him, many characters have infinites on him which will kill him. Now, most Sent based teams are teams that suffer greatly once he is gone...for example, what can Cable/Spiral do against runaway Storm...or what can BH/CapCom do against Cable/CapCom...that is what I choose balanced teams that may not be GODLY together, but every pair on my teams can survive well together...most of the time... later... Ok 1. Superarmor totally rapes doom's j. hp laser gun, because it does not stun him leaving him totally wide the fuck open to hsf 2. Ken or capcom get's ride of doom/bh 3. Spiral can hurt runaway storm 4. My team is Spiral/Sent/Capcom or Ken 5. A smart bh/capcom kill cable/capcom with his air game 6. I wanna play u, are u goint to b5? Posted by Vonstar on 07:24:2001 10:29 PM: if u wana get rd of sent, just use cable and capcom, its basically over, or doom/cable, or doom/strider Posted by AMX on 07:24:2001 10:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Goku Monkey: Psylocke? wtf??? Well anyways, like nas said, it's not as easy as u say. If u push block sent can just cancel outta flying, bust a laser (high punch), go back into flying, and continue stompin your cheesy cable usin ass.. shut up. i still own you with team rush down! Posted by Goku on 07:24:2001 11:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by AMX shut up. i still own you with team rush down! lolol fear my spiral Posted by CaliFlower on 07:24:2001 11:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by Goku Ok 1. Superarmor totally rapes doom's j. hp laser gun, because it does not stun him leaving him totally wide the fuck open to hsf 2. Ken or capcom get's ride of doom/bh 3. Spiral can hurt runaway storm 4. My team is Spiral/Sent/Capcom or Ken 5. A smart bh/capcom kill cable/capcom with his air game 6. I wanna play u, are u goint to b5? 1) I know that, but that's why u have to just rape him from above w/Photon SHot xx flight cancel, call BH, stomp, photon array xx flight cancel...etc. Also, bait Sent into calling CapCom, then do Photon Array on him, DHC into BH's HOD. 2) Ken can hurt Doom/BH REALLY bad...but get TOO obvious and Ken will die once 2 meters have been built. That is the problem with good AAA...they are so good that u abuse them and become obvious with them. What I would do is take the hit a few times...then later in the match, sj. up, AD up, block Ken, do Photon ArrayXXHOD and Ken is in critical condition. CapCom AAA is even worse, cause you can AD back, photon array. I forget if his AAA cancel the Pink probably does. 3) Yes she can with teleport, but she's so slow coming out of it, that Storm can react with Lightning Storm once she gets obvious. But Storm can't get obvious either. Also, even if Spiral catches Storm in recovery, what can she do? Quick Drop? Expanding Swords? Not that much. MAYBE it's possible to catch her with Metamorphosis as u come down on Storm...dunno if possible. Now, what can Storm do? A LOT more damage for sure. She can lightning strike on reaction depending where Spiral teleports, then cancel into Lightning Storm for good damage. 4) Spiral/Sent/CapCom is good. I alway wonder why ppl use Spiral/Cable/Sent when Sent can use supers very well...and just substitute a good AAA for cable. Sent/CapCom is TOO good against some teams w/o good AAA. 5) I dunno about that. First of all, if the Cable/CapCom has the lead, they can turtle the WHOLE match w/o risk of anything, cause even BH WANTS to consume the meter on HOD, he can't cause Cable will rape him like a cheap hooker on Tooney Tuesdays (Canadian joke)... 6) I was all planned and stuff, but shit came up and now I can't go anymore. Next year...hopefully!? Posted by unknown shadow on 07:25:2001 01:06 AM: Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! Or just use capcoms AAA Posted by CaliFlower on 07:25:2001 01:19 AM: Re: Solution to getting Sent off ur ass! Read! quote: Originally posted by unknown shadow Or just use capcoms AAA I think CapCom AAA is not as effective as before with Sent being able to fly cancel after being hit. I think Cammy and Ken work best to get that big hunk of metal of ur head if u wanna talk AAA's. Posted by MARVELFREAK on 07:25:2001 02:00 AM: Whatever Try pushblocking any decent Sentinel character and you'll still get owned, bad. I'm not even that good and I still take out scrub players who think pushblocking is a gift of God. Posted by CaliFlower on 07:25:2001 02:12 AM: Re: Whatever quote: Originally posted by MARVELFREAK Try pushblocking any decent Sentinel character and you'll still get owned, bad. I'm not even that good and I still take out scrub players who think pushblocking is a gift of God. Stop hatin fool. I know how u feel though. Let me tell u a story. Once upon a time, CaliPower was playing with Strider-B/Doom-B/Cable-A...he tore up this one punk without using the trap, just by pressuring with chains (w/Doom backing him up), followed by a tiger, and he repeated this tactic. Then, the opponent wisened up and pushblocked. "WOW!" thought CaliFlower, "I'm trying to get in and pressure this fool, and all he has to do to get me off of him is press 2 buttons!"...He also thought "That is so fucking cheesy and lazy tactic!"..."I hope my opponent develops a terminal illness!!!" So then CaliFlower switched to Cable and killed him good. Happy Ending!!! So, u see, I know ur mad about pushblocking's effectiveness and you're probably in denial, but u'll get over it soon. Till then, live long and prosper! Posted by AMX on 07:25:2001 03:05 AM: Re: Re: Whatever quote: Originally posted by CaliFlower Stop hatin fool. I know how u feel though. Let me tell u a story. Once upon a time, CaliPower was playing with Strider-B/Doom-B/Cable-A... don't you mean califlower. thats alex valle's name. Posted by AMX on 07:25:2001 03:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by Goku lolol fear my spiral i do fear that whore. but my magneto doesn't. atleast when he gets his hands on her (rarely). Lets get some practice goku before the tourney this sat. then we need to get ready for B5. serious teams only. no magnus. that a plus for you though when i dont use magneto. Posted by Juggrknott on 07:25:2001 03:57 AM: Pushblocking Sent is a good start, but by no means is it your total answer. If it was that easy, Sent would not have been considered one of the most fearsome in the game all this time. Pushblocking is one of the easier intermediate-to-advanced level defensive manuevers in the game, easier to master than rolling or tech-hitting with a high degree of consistency. I'm quite sure many have thought about & tried this before you have. Gamble a whole bunch of time (and basically the whole match) on simple pushblocks, and Sent will sit back and zone you with his mouth laser, drones & HSF (if it gets in, great, if not, that's fine too). Only a few characters have the tools to do really do much about this; I don't think I need to spell them out. Also, you're giving Sent a bum rap as far as his ability to get out of traps. Good Strider/Doom gives him trouble, but then again it gives most everybody trouble. Sent/BH is a pain as well. Still, with the mouth laser, super armor, the extreme stamina he brings to the table, HSF and his flight, he's well equipped to bust any half-assed trap or any good trap executed in a half-assed fashion. Commando gives Sent (or anybody, for that matter) trouble if he gets too reliant on jump-in attacks, but everybody's on the lookout for 'AAA bailouts', *especially* from Commando. Don't expect people to just eat those corridors over and over... One bad (underprotected) call, Commando is hurting. 2 bad calls, he's dead. -Jugg Posted by hyt on 07:25:2001 01:43 PM: Push block after the stomps and you might eat a rocket punch when you're flinching. Unless you're Cable of course... Geese, stop descecrating Alex Valle's username. You are a mere atom of what he is. Stay in london and stick to your bullshit lvl 4 damage. Posted by Draven_TKD on 07:25:2001 02:20 PM: THe only way to beat anyone is to out smart them.... Posted by CaliFlower on 07:25:2001 03:04 PM: Guys, my whole point about pushblocking is that it get Sent off ur back. Because his main rush game is centered around rh stomps, pushblocking pushes him back extra far, thus allowing you to escape from the ground and out of his stomp's reach. As I said before, Sent fights air players VERY poorly. I never said to escape his stomps, then fight him on the ground. As I stated earlier, SENT IS MOST DANGEROUS ON THE GROUND because that's where he can punish with supers, cut thru swords and shit, and stomp ur ass. Once you take the fight to the skies, it's all about his AAA and maybe random upwards rocket punches, which don't hit often. Then, if you have Cable in your team, u bust him out and then u can pushblock Sent, and guard break him with AHVB thus ending his reign of terror. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:33 PM. 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